Sharmila Akula
Hello there! I'm Sharmila, and I'm thrilled to have you here on my website. Let me take a moment to introduce myself and share my passion for all things motion design and visual creativity. 
I come from India and traveled to the United States to get my Master's in Motion Media from the Savannah College of Art and Design.
Throughout my career, I've had the opportunity to wear many hats and embrace diverse roles in the creative industry. As an Animator, Illustrator, Product Designer, Video Editor, Visual Designer, and UI Designer, I've acquired a versatile skill set and a deep appreciation for the creative process.
Currently, I am proud to be part of the talented team at Microsoft, where I contribute as a Visual Designer and Design Generalist. The dynamic environment and cutting-edge projects allow me to continually expand my expertise and create impactful visual experiences.
Besides my full-time job, I also make kids videos like animated nursery rhymes (@babybeatsTV) and also enjoy freelancing on exciting creative projects. Collaborating with others and contributing my skills to unique projects brings me joy and keeps my creative spirit alive.
If you have a creative project in mind, whether it's motion design, visual branding, or any other visually-driven endeavor, I would be delighted to hear from you. Feel free to reach out to me at, and let's explore how we can collaborate and bring your vision to life. 💌🎉
Thank you for visiting my website and taking the time to learn more about me. I hope you find inspiration and delight in my portfolio and the work I've shared. Let's embark on this creative journey together!